Health For You Forever : The Basics Of NJ Qi Gong


The Basics Of NJ Qi Gong

By Sharon Ellis

The first impression that most people have about Qi Gong is that it is an old people sort of exercise. Sure, there are a lot of people who do this exercise but that is because it is very beneficial for their overall health. Beyond the old people and the slow motion movements, NJ Qi Gong is actually much more than just that and can be an overall lifestyle.

Now, the secret to this art would be in how it enables the user to manipulate chi or internal energy. For those who watch those Chinese martial arts movies starring Jet Li, one would know that the secret to the strength of these characters is chi, which is what allows them to break bricks and wood. To a small extent, these amazing feats are somewhat possible if one knows how to master chi.

Now, there are two main reasons as to why people practice this art with these being health and fitness. The first reason would have to do with the strengthening of internal organs in order to become much healthier. For the combat purpose, the practitioner will become much stronger physically and will be able to control stamina better.

Now that one knows some background of the art, it is also good to know some of the basic exercises that come with it. One of the main basic exercises would be the sway. To do this, one assumes a shoulder width stance with slightly bent knees and outstretched arms. From this position, one will sway his or her shoulders from left to right in a very fluid and soft motion until the feeling of chi comes.

The next basic exercise is called the bounce wherein the same stance is applied. Also, the same type of fluid motion is applied. The only difference between the sway and this one would be the movement wherein the movement is a bouncing up and down movement.

The next basic exercise is known as the accordion. In this exercise, one will be sitting down and closing his or her eyes. He or she will then slowly but softly put his or her hands together then bring them apart twelve inches, somewhat compressing the chi within the palms. This is repeated several times until one feels tingling in his or her palms.

Lastly, one will have to learn the basic breathing exercises that involve some light meditation. One of the most basic breathing exercises would be the concentration of chi into the Dantian. Basically, one will assume a cross legged sitting position with both eyes closed. From there, one will breathe in deeply and breathe out slowly while concentrating the breath into the nasal area or the Dantian.

If one is interested in taking up this art, here are a few things that he or she will be learning. Always remember that an internal art like this would require a teacher for the foundation lessons. Only after one has already mastered the basic can he or she practice alone or with an instruction manual.

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