Health For You Forever : Recumbent Tricycles For The Adults


Recumbent Tricycles For The Adults

By Frances Parker

See, when you use them though, you are going to find out that it was actually possible to go triking even while still in laying down position. That would mean nirvana for most of us who have been dreaming of transportation without the use of ANY of our movements. Still, we still have to use our legs so we guess they are still not up to here yet with innovation. In the future, there will be no need for movements. For now, we have Recumbent Trikes.

Did you know that you could not pedal to the medal while lying down? Is that not the greatest thing to have ever graced the lazy ears of us lazy people? What next? Are they going to invent the car that drives open its own without us having to drive it ourselves?

Because that is just revolutionary at this point. Anything that can be used in a way that we do not have to move a muscle is simply amazing. We should be having them all to ourselves at the same. But then again, if we all have them, would that not turn us into those fat humans in the movie Wall E?

The ones who do not move at all when they walk and just let the things carrying them do all the work? while that sounds amazing in theory but kind of seem really bad in practice when you really get into it. To not move around and practice all of the muscles we are born with? That is just asking for our muscles to disappear.

We sure it might be possible since it will be just the legs that will be doing all the hard work for us. Could you imagine all of the dumb adults who got drunk and would play around with this? How much do you want to bet that they will probably end up in a ditch by the time the night ends?

And mark our words when we say that we will probably be one of those dumb adults found there on the said ditch. Have you ever seen those trike? You cannot possibly tell us that you would not be inclined to play with them as much as you can and doing all sorts of dumb shit while riding that thing.

To let consumerism taker over and let us be puppets to all of their shenanigans. But since we are human and we tend to gravitate towards what we think is interesting, a natural creature that has curiosity down to a fault, we let our ourselves become their puppets anyway. Like, who would NOT purchase a cheap burger if it was being advertised by McDonalds in your face?

Yes, we know who you are, memers and social justice warriors. Even if you have that much power online, know that you are nothing in real life. Use your power online for something good instead of just complaining all the time.

it is just natural for us to be fooled by things like that. So if you are being given a chance to ride a trike around and do not have to break your back doing so, then you would definitely buy it and use it.

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