Health For You Forever : How To Increase Your Motivation To Lose Weight: 11 Essential Tips


How To Increase Your Motivation To Lose Weight: 11 Essential Tips

If you are reading this article it is likely that you have been for a long time trying to lose weight but you have not obtained results. And when you work hard and do not get results, the most common thing is to become discouraged.

After this demotivation, your performance decreases which leads to worse results and in the end you end up abandoning, retaking your previous habits and giving up the effort you previously did, either with diet or exercise.
Know how to increase your Motivation to lose weight May be the key to beginning Lose Weight And achieve the weight you want. Next I'll give you 11 tips that will give you the push you need.
Normally the Constant effort Give your positive results, so do not give up. If you have been a few months and you have not seen results, it is advisable to visit a specialist .

How To Increase Your Motivation To Lose Weight: 11 Essential Tips
How to motivate yourself to lose weight :

1-Establish goals

If you set goals, you will know what to do and if you know what to do you will not waste time.
Goals are a way to focus the brain on the actions that are necessary to achieve something. On the other hand, the objectives that you mark can not be too complicated because you will not be taking full advantage of your potential.
In addition to knowing what you have to do, I recommend you do another List of all the things you do not have to do To lose weight Put it in a visible place and do not forget about it.

2-Prize Yourself
Like any other achievement, losing weight may require consistency and you will have to work harder. However, you can also enjoy the process. Your goal is to lose weight, but on the way to it you can also enjoy.
When you achieve small achievements; Like slimming a kilo, give yourself a prize. This will make your behavior, the effort you are making to lose weight, be strengthened and will be repeated in the future.
With what to reward? Of course, not something that makes you gain weight. It must be something that pleases you; Watch a movie, go for a walk, buy clothes, go out with your friends...

3-Castígate yourself (moderately)
If you skip your diet or do not exercise, you will also need a"small punishment". That will make you less likely to redo that negative behavior that does not lead you to achieve your goals.
If for example you go without going to the gym for a week, castrate yourself without doing something that you usually do and that is pleasing to you; Going to the cinema, going out with your friends...
On the other hand, it is important that you keep in mind that punishment does not work as well as reinforcement (giving yourself a prize). Therefore, use the prizes more when you do something that causes you to lose weight.

4-Do not be a perfectionist
He Perfectionism It will only make you lose time and not take action. If you want to make everything perfect, you have to be all the conditions to do some action and in the end you do not proceed to anything. Try to always improve, but do not try to be perfect.
If for example you perceive eating a small sweet as a great failure, you are more likely to abandon and destroy your self-esteem. If you consider it a small mistake that you have to learn and not commit again, you will continue to persevere in your goal of losing weight.

5-Take care of your self-esteem
To improve your self-esteem I recommend you this article .
Above all, take care of the critical internal voice that transmits negative and destructive thoughts about you. Try to be aware of those thoughts, eliminate them and replace them with positive thoughts.
The critical voice is the one that throws you thoughts like:"you're never going to lose weight", "so much effort is useless."
Those thoughts destroy your self-esteem. Become aware of them and change them to more constructive ones: "I am thinning slowly and in the end I will see results", "the effort is worth it".

6-Evaluate your progress but without obsession
It is necessary to evaluate progress, that way you can know what you are doing well, what you are doing wrong and what you need to change.
You can do it simply by weighing yourself on the balance of your gym or your home and pointing out those results that you can see from time to time. When you see them, you will be motivated because you will see that your effort is having its rewards and positive results.
But do not obsess yourself; If for example you look in the mirror continuously to see if you are thinning, you will not see the changes because those changes are very little and in the short term are almost imperceptible. However, if you evaluate the results every week and have worked hard, you will see those changes clearly and therefore increase your motivation.

How To Increase Your Motivation To Lose Weight: 11 Essential Tips

7-Expect some weight gain
If you are slimming by going to the gym, at first you may experience some weight gain.
This is simply because you are gaining muscle and the same volume of protein (muscles) weighs more than the same volume of fat. After a few days, the weight will drop again because you will be losing that excess fat you had.

8-The habituation is given little by little
The habits Are simply forms of behavior that we have adopted, but what we call bad habits (smoking, drinking) are as easy to adopt as good habits.
Yes, bad habits are also adopted little by little and at first they are not pleasant: did you like the first time you smoked? Did you like beer or did you usually drink alcohol?
Therefore, to adopt the good habit of exercising and taking care of your diet, you will have to go slowly and with effort. After a period of adaptation to your new lifestyle, your body will have become accustomed and it will be difficult to get rid of those new healthy habits.
If for example you want to start eating better, do not try to do it at all. You are slowly introducing healthy foods into your diet.
If you want to start running to lose weight, start for a short time a day. For example, with 10-15 minutes a day. Then you can go up gradually.

9-Visualize the benefits
When you wake up in the morning and think that you have to be on a diet and exercise, you also think about the consequences of that. View The condition in which you want to be. That will motivate you and find a reason for the effort you will make.
For example: visualize that you are walking and you feel good, attractive because you are in shape.
If you stay in the effort you have to do and do not visualize the benefits, you become demotivated because your brain will only experience effort and not the pleasurable feelings associated with your visualization; Have an attractive physique, feel good, be in shape...

10-Make a commitment
One of the best ways to increase motivation and persevere to achieve goals is to commit.
You can do it with yourself by writing a letter or a simple phrase like:
"I promise to lose 10 kilos the next 6 months."
You can also do it with your partner, children, parents or anyone nearby. The latter can work very well; If you tell someone what you want to achieve you may feel"committed"to what you have said.

11-Do not compare yourself
Comparing alone will lead to de-motivation. You are totally different from other people. Some will be more attractive and thinner, others will not. In any case, all people are valuable.
Focus on yourself and your results and avoid comparing yourself to other people.

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