Health For You Forever : Fun And Exercise On A Trike Bike


Fun And Exercise On A Trike Bike

By David Reed

Everyone is aware of the importance of getting exercise if you want to lose weight or get fit. Running and jogging is not always good on your knees and for those that are not already in shape, this can be an impossibility. Riding a bike is a good way to avoid knee stress, but leaning forward over the front tire is not always something to look forward to. Lifting weights are fine if you want to build muscle but aren't designed to help you lose fat. Taking a trike bike for a ride is a great way to have the benefits of cardio without the awkward position of riding a bike.

Getting outside and riding will help get you fit. The type of exercise that you choose to do is going to have certain benefits. Some exercises are only designed for building muscle. Some exercises practically require you to already be in shape to be able to keep up with it. However, if you have knee problems or a bit out of shape, you want to use a method that will fit your ability and provide the cardio that you need to lose weight.

Dread is the number one reason people give up on gym memberships. They simply get tired of the work part of the workout. Running on a treadmill isn't as fun as being out with a pet or friends and family. Since so many people already have bikes, getting one that fits your needs will make it easier to join them in a group outing. Having fun will take your thoughts off the actual work you're doing.

Stability is a reason adults stop riding bikes. If it has been years since you've ridden a bike, you may be afraid that you've forgotten. The coordination that it takes to start and stop without falling over is enough to keep many adults from trying. With three wheels, you don't have to worry about that. You can put both feet on the pedals and start and stop without having to worry about the extra effort to avoid being humiliated.

Trikes are more comfortable. The speed bikes that many riders get are literally built for speed. They are designed for the rider to be hunched over as close to the frame of the bike as possible. For someone who is not in shape, this is not a very comfortable position. Trikes allow you to sit more upright and enjoy the ride. You can look around, not worry about your speed, and not hurt your back by being hunched over.

Commuting is a great way to exercise on the way to work. Many people like to ride their bike to work in the spring, summer, and fall when the weather is good. This is great, but for those that aren't comfortable with it, using a tricycle is actually safer. You have a bigger vehicle which means you are more visible in traffic, plus you can see what is going on around you.

Tours are available for group fun. Since many of your friends probably already have bikes and tricycles, you can go on group tours. Some may be organized by tour operators at well known natural wonders, others you can organize on your own. Take them camping and make your own group as you head off to see the views that are offered.

You have to have fun if you want to keep up with the exercise. There are some really disciplined people that can charge into the workout without dread. Most are not that way. Making exercise fun is a great way to make it so you look forward to it.

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