Health For You Forever : Possible Deer Antler Velvet Side Effects


Possible Deer Antler Velvet Side Effects

By Frances Peterson

Antlers that come from deers have always been known to have a pretty wide range of health benefits when it comes to sexual and athletic performance, which is why a lot of men take it. However, many do not know that there are some side effects that come with it. Here are a few of the deer antler velvet side effects that you need to take note of.

Generally, this type of vitamin does not have adverse symptoms produced in a normal consumer. However, there would always be the possibility of an allergic reaction when taking this kind of vitamin. Always take note that everyone has a different body type and some body types cannot take this type of vitamin.

That is why it is always highly recommended that one would visit his or her physician or doctor before taking the supplement. Show the doctor the supplement and ask whether or not it is compatible. It is also a good idea to not shock the body by taking it in smaller dosages than the recommended then increase over time.

Some of the other small reactions that one may experience from taking this vitamin would be slight headaches and nausea. This is because the main goal of the vitamin would be to increase IGF levels meaning it works like a growth hormone. Due to that, it might create some effects in the body since the body is not used to having it inside.

Now, while there are no reports on seriously harmful symptoms that the supplement may cause directly, there are probably some adverse conditions that may come out if ever one takes it in the long term. For instance, this supplement happens to be related to the raising of the IGF or Insulin like Growth Factor. Due to this though there is also a possibility that IGF 1 may be raised inside the body.

If ever IGF 1 levels are raised too high in the body, then there is the risk of prostate cancer. As men are the ones that mostly consume this supplement, the chance of prostate cancer will be higher in their bodies if they take this supplement theoretically. Of course, there are no studies that conclude this but there are also no reports concluding that it will not have that risk.

Aside from that, there would also be the risk of kidney problems in elderly individuals. While this supplement supposedly helps with kidney problems, there are times when senior individuals cannot take the vitamin which is why the effects would backfire. In that case, kidney problems would arise instead.

Now, the main adverse effects that would most likely come directly from consuming this vitamin would be the allergic reactions as well as headaches or nausea. Other than that though, there are no other symptoms one may feel if he decides to take it in moderation. However, one may be putting himself at risk of more serious conditions if he takes too much of it at a given time. That is why one must always practice moderation when taking vitamins that are not FDA approved.

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