Health For You Forever : Lowering Risk Of Stress Complications By Signing Up At The Yoga Loft Bethlehem Residents Go To


Lowering Risk Of Stress Complications By Signing Up At The Yoga Loft Bethlehem Residents Go To

By Gary Morris

Stress can make a person feel exhausted, agitated and irritable. Unfortunately, its unfavorable effects do not end there. According to health authorities, stress that's left uncontrolled can give rise to so many serious medical problems. Some of the scariest ones include type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. Those who are living very stressful lives are encouraged to regularly carry out stress-relieving activities. A very effective way to lower stress and also fend off the many complications it's known to bring is attending classes regularly at the yoga loft Bethlehem locals go to.

The body is overflowing with stress hormones each time an individual is facing a very challenging situation. Such is completely normal as the presence of those hormones can help him or her to take the necessary steps. Unfortunately, doctors say that having high levels of stress hormones for several days or weeks straight can cause problems to strike.

Being constantly stressed can cause your blood pressure reading to be higher than 120/80 mmHg. This is true even when you are in a relaxed state. A blood pressure that's always high is referred to as hypertension. According to health experts, hypertension is a risk factor for heart disease, which is said to be the primary cause of deaths worldwide.

It's not just hypertension that can increase a person's risk of one day battling deadly heart disease, but also high cholesterol levels. Having lots of stress hormones can actually cause the levels of cholesterol in the body to rise. What makes this a serious problem is the fact that it can clog the arteries. When the arteries of an individual get clogged, he or she is at high risk of encountering a heart attack or stroke.

The levels of glucose in your bloodstream may also increase if you are perpetually stressed. Having high blood glucose is regarded as a risk factor for diabetes, which is a disease that has no known cure. It's not a good idea for you to manage your diabetes poorly because that will give rise to its various complications. Some of them are heart disease, kidney damage, nerve pain, wound infections, and foot or leg amputation.

Cancer is one of the most serious complications that chronic stress is known to bring. You can put the blame on inflammation that can happen due to the presence of stress hormones all the time. Your cells may behave erratically if inflammation is constantly present, and this can cause cancerous growths to form.

Stress can also have an impact on a person's mental health. For instance, it's the reason why millions of people all over the planet are suffering from anxiety disorder these days. There are also those who encounter clinical depression instead. Both of the said mental illnesses can worsen stress and thus create a vicious cycle.

Needless to say, it's very important for an individual to keep his or her stress levels to a minimum. Doing yoga on a regular basis is one of the most effective stress-relieving activities out there. Aside from reducing stress, yoga is also known to encourage weight loss, strengthen the immune system, alleviate body aches and improve posture.

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