Health For You Forever : Choosing The Right Abortion Technique


Choosing The Right Abortion Technique

By Mark Wondsner

Abortion is something that every one of us is aware of, but there are not many individuals that have an idea about the varying types of abortion techniques, that people are known to use. As there are different types of abortion techniques, having proper understanding about them is going to ensure that you can deal with problems that arise with abortion in the modern day.

When people refer to chemical method for abortion, it simply means that the person is given abortion drugs that help to eliminate pregnancy. This is considerably a more preferable method for abortion by a wannabe mother. Such administered drugs are otherwise also known as abortion pills. In general there are two types of drugs that are combined with two oral drugs, which include the mifepristone and the misoprostol that is combined and used in the procedure.

Gestation period is one of the most important factors that determine the right method for abortion that should be used. Studies suggest that a majority of the abortions that take place are done during the first trimester of the pregnancy. This time period is mentioned considerably because, doing it during this period is considered to be safe and there are least possibilities of post-operative complications with the abortion.

With the surgical technique, there are three methods of abortion, which can help the female to get the abortion done during the first three months of pregnancy. The Dilation and Curettage method, manual Vacuum aspiration and electric vacuum aspiration, are the three procedures used in the surgical technique. Once the cervix is dilated, the embryo is scrapped up from the walls of the uterus using a curette, which is a sharp object; this is called the dilation and curettage method.

The medical method is a process which involves no surgical procedures, use of abortion medicines are used to terminate the pregnancy. These medicines are known to be effective against terminating pregnancy for up to 9-9 weeks only. Being precise, the effects of the medicines are considerably more useful if they are consumed within 8-9 weeks from the time the female had her last menstruation.

Once this period passes, the effectiveness of the medicines reduces and it becomes essential for the female to choose for the surgical procedures of abortion. For individuals that are looking for buying these drugs, there are countries that sell them for free, whereas there are others that do not even sell them as over the counter pills and it does require having a gynaecologist's prescription to buy them from the stores.

In the process of dilation and evacuation, once the cervix is dilated the uterine walls are scraped with sharp instruments and the embryonic tissue is removed with the help of suction. Next method used is the hysterectomy or surgical method, here the foetus is removed by performing a surgery and the pregnancy is aborted. Lastly, we have the intact dilation and extraction abortion technique, where the cervix is dilated, use of force is made to reverse the foetus into a breech position. Then a suction device is inserted in the foetus skull and the brain is evacuated.

Another surgical method used for this is the aspiration technique, which includes vacuum aspiration, suction aspiration and dilation or aspiration. It is found that if the female is in the later days of the second trimester of her pregnancy, in such cases gynaecologists are known to opt for dilation and evacuation. As a women looks to get aborted, it becomes very important for her to get it done by 24th week, because doing it after that can be problematic for the female.

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