Health For You Forever : How To Prepare For Colonics CA


How To Prepare For Colonics CA

By James Peterson

A colonic refers to infusion of water in to rectum. This is carried out by a colon therapist, and it is enhanced at cleansing and flashing out the colon. The process is also known as colonic hydrotherapy . Some of the conditions that are believed to be improves by colonics CA therapy include allergies, fatigue and bloating. To achieve the benefits of this procedure, there are some simple steps one should follow, three days prior to the process. I will discuss some of these important steps here. Water is important. A patient is advised to drink eight cups of water and six cups of herbal tea each day, prior to this important process. Water is important, and it is involved in all bodily functions. When it comes to colonics water is used for hydration.

Food should be chewed exhaustively. This helps in the breaking down of large particles into smaller and finer particles before digestion takes place. When one chews each mouthful properly, there is release of a lot of saliva which contains digestive enzymes which help in digestion. This will deter the accumulation of undigested food into the colon.

To add on the importance of chewing food properly, it is important to note that consumption of animal proteins is not an ideal idea for this process. One should decrease on consuming animal based proteins which are binding food that have high levels of acids. Acidity in the stomach does not go well with colon cleansing.

An experienced colonic therapist would advise that exercises should be done prior to the day when the process is to take place. Exercises lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and are important in so many ways. They help in relaxing body muscles prior to the procedure. They are necessary for physical fitness and good health.

Drinking of vegetable juices that are freshly squeezed is highly recommended. A person looking forward for this procedure should at least have access to a juicer or should be located close to a juice bar. However some juices have been prohibited from consumption, since they produce acid in the body. An example is orange juice.

Eating plenty of vegetable, predominantly, green vegetables or salad greens. In fact, its ideal that vegetables should constitute fifty to seventy percent of ones meals in the days prior to undergoing colonic irrigation. Consuming a combination of raw vegetables, for instance in salads and vegetables that are slightly steamed might serve a better good. Fruits are also important in this case. But one should avoid fruits that are highly acidic since they may end up affecting the whole process and hence making it unsuccessful.

Its good to be less stressed when entering the therapy room. Its suitable to a big range of people all over the globe. This process requires that the patient is calm and ready for it. This is because intestines work best when they are relaxed.

Lastly, the patient should talk openly to his colonic therapist so as to be in a better state of getting high utility. This is to raise ones concerns about the symptoms. This also keeps the therapist informed about his patient.

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