Health For You Forever : Healthy Living With Natural Anti Aging Treatment San Rafael CA For The Body


Healthy Living With Natural Anti Aging Treatment San Rafael CA For The Body

By Pamela Adams

Many doctors do not recommend the operating table mentality of dealing with aging defects, as ironic as it sounds. They advise and insist on trying out natural and less-invasive approaches to skin care. There are a number of recipes that could be good for you try at home. Avocado-Honey moisturizer is the first recipe. A moisturizer is basically a must when it comes to natural anti aging treatment San Rafael CA.

Most have people have now resulted to fancy anti-aging creams or cosmetic surgeries to try to combat the aging problem. These can be very costly whereas there are a lot of non-medical anti-aging remedies which work a lot better. They include; Honey. This is the best anti medical remedy for all skin problems. It is the best nourishment for dry skin as it helps keep the skin hydrated through prevention of moisture loss.

Honey exfoliates the skin by removing dead cells and promotes regeneration of new cells. This then results in the lightening of age spots, hyper pigmentation, and scars. Honey also contains vitamin B and potassium which help I improve skin elasticity and suppleness. Olive oil is also essential. It is basically natural oil that is among one of the most effective oils in reducing wrinkles, fine line and tightening of loose skin.

The yeast in the mixture will fight bacteria while the lemon helps to dry the blemish. For ingredients you need; lemon juice, water, and yeast. Make a paste with a little yeast, lemon juice, and water. Apply the contents on the blemish. Wait for ten minutes and then cover with a bandage. Almond-sugar facial scrub is the third treatment. Exfoliating your skin regularly will help to remove dead skin cells that usually dull your complexion.

Thereby your skin looks smoother and brighter. For ingredients you need; 1 cup of white sugar, 3 tablespoons of cream, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and half full cup of freshly ground almonds. Mix all the ingredients. Then apply the mixture to your face in a circular motion while dry. Wash the face with warm water later followed by cold water. Pat the face dry.

This will help in stretching the body skin and shrinking of the open pores making it look smoother, younger and youthful. Egg whites are a rich source of potassium, magnesium, riboflavin and proteins that are useful in tissue repair, hydrating and moisturizing of the skin. It also neutralizes the damage that is caused by free radicals and oxidative stress, which are the two main reasons of premature skin aging.

For ingredients, you need half empty cup of fresh blueberries, 1 kiwi peeled and chopped, 1 handful walnuts chopped, half full cup of fresh strawberries, quarter cup of orange juice and half cup of pomegranate seeds. Combine the blueberries, strawberries, kiwi and pomegranate seeds in a bowl. Then pour the orange juice into the mixture and afterward sprinkle the walnuts.

Finally there is Coconut deep conditioner. This homemade conditioner will keep your hair smooth, well hydrated and shiny. It should be applied once a week. For ingredients you need; half cup of this mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon of coconut extract and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply on your scalp. Cover your scalp with a plastic wrapper and leave it on for about 30 minutes. Then wash and rinse the hair thoroughly.

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