Health For You Forever : 7 Tips To Discover The Best Indoor Tanning Lotion For You


7 Tips To Discover The Best Indoor Tanning Lotion For You

By Haywood Hunter

Getting the best indoor tanning lotion may take some experimenting. You have to know what you're looking for, and with so many options, you will probably want to try a few. Here, we will discuss a few different options to get you started.

The first choice to make when searching for an indoor tanning lotion is whether you want a creme, oil, or lotion. Oils are messier but ensure thorough coverage, since it is very obvious where is has and has not been applied. Some cremes are even whipped for a light, weightless application: perfect for times when you won't be able to wash it off immediately.

Skin sensitivity is an important factor in choosing a brand as well. It may not matter, if you are not particularly sensitive to irritants. However, most people are sensitive to fragrance or other common additives, so it's necessary to avoid certain lines or formulas.

Once you have determined the format you want, and the ingredients you don't, then you must consider how you plan to tan. Tanning in a bed requires very different formulas from in a booth, as your skin will be in contact with the ingredients. Some may damage the plastic of the equipment, so be sure you have a bed or booth specific formula.

The added benefits we are discussing come into play in the forms of anything from bronzers to scent. You can buy products that include artificial bronzing agents to boost your color. You may enjoy the cooling touch of tea-tree, or want a papaya scent instead of coconut.

While the options aren't endless, some details are more flexible than others. Organic compounds would have very different additives and a different shelf life than synthetics. By avoiding synthetic materials, you may be eliminating some benefits like coloring agents or stronger conditioners. However, what you would trade by eliminating certain synthetics like bronzers, you would make up for in healthy ingredients and the knowledge your skin is protected naturally.

Finding the best indoor tanning lotion for your needs may take some time, and some trial runs. The best way to be sure is to try using a brand throughout a handful of sessions. Note the things you like and dislike about it, as well as how well it does its job. Then, switch to something new and compare the two. After a few different samples from different brands, you should have a clear understanding of what you like and what is best for you.

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