Health For You Forever : The Macular Degeneration Vitamins As A Supplement For ARMD


The Macular Degeneration Vitamins As A Supplement For ARMD

By Donna Fox

Macular Degeneration refers to a medical condition that usually affects adults who are over 50, although it has been found in younger adults as well. The result is a loss of vision in the center of the macula, or the center of the visual field, due to damage to the retina. Although it can be gradual, it makes it difficult or impossible to recognize objects or faces. The peripheral vision usually remains intact, which can cause a sufferer from realizing the seriousness of the disease at its onset. Many people aren't aware of the problem until it develops into more serious vision problems. But more people don't even realize that their problems can be solved with the macular degeneration vitamins.

The macula in the eye is a most important component in the vision of a person. However, it can degenerate because of different factors including hypertension, genetics, high level of cholesterol, damage from the sun and smoking.

This condition is slow moving and affects one eye first then the other one later. It can take several years before an individual may notice that they are suffering from the condition and by the time that they do notice it, it might be too late already. This is why it is important for everyone to take very good care of vision health and undergo regular checks.

There are different forms of this condition and each comes with slightly different symptoms and treatment options. MD affects the central vision, rather than what you see off to the side. Because the macula is affected which is part of the retina it is your central vision which is affected.

This eye disease is most common in Caucasian females over the age of 60 who smoke but can occur in anyone as they age. Individuals with a history of MD in the family are also at a higher risk.

In the early stages of AMD, symptoms will not necessarily have presented themselves, but a doctor can still determine that a patient has the beginnings of the disease. It can be diagnosed with the Amsler grid. This grid is made up of several intersecting lines with a dot in the middle. The patient covers one eye and concentrates on the dot. If the lines look like they are curved or disfigured or there are spots on the grid that appear to be in shadows these are symptoms of MD.

In essence, MD can cause blindness if it is not treated appropriately and in a timely manner. One of the ways to prevent this is to make sure that people have their eyes tested annually. Once every year is enough, especially if MD runs in the family.

Laser treatments are effective in stopping the leaking blood vessels that occur in people who are suffering from wet ARMD. These same people also can benefit from photodynamic laser treatments. With this treatment option, a light-sensitive drug is administered by using an intravenous IV. The drug accumulates in the eye and the doctor shines the laser beam into the eye area to activate the drug. This, in turn, has a detrimental effect on any abnormal blood vessels that may be there because of wet ARMD.

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