Health For You Forever : Important Precautions About Permanent Lip Color


Important Precautions About Permanent Lip Color

By Roger Kennedy

A permanent make up is one of the techniques in cosmetics where in a tattoo is being applied to the face to be able to produce a design that would resemble a real make up. The technique involves eyelining and some other permanent colors for enhancing the face, eyelids, and lips. This technique can also be used when producing an artificial eyebrow especially for those people who have been experiencing diseases such as chemotherapy, alopecia, or genetic disturbance.

There are some terms that also relates to this technique and these are derma pigmentation, cosmetic tattooing, and micro pigmentation. Cosmetic tattooing is considered as one appropriate term among any others. All kinds of permanent pigments need to undergo a premarket approval to be given buy the association for the federal drug, cosmetics, and food. Permanent lip color NJ is considered one of the most popular types being applied.

Some women often gets tired on applying their lipsticks over and over again. And if already dissatisfied with this, girls can apply the permanent lip makeup to make the it more defined. There are a lot of variations of shades of lip liners and lipsticks in which they can choose from.

In NJ, these techniques of lip make up will add more fullness and will also balance to the uneven or crooked lips. It also helps in minimizing the wrinkles which are visible around it. There are so many important precautions about these techniques that are needed to be observed and give importance to. The following are just some of the precautions before the application of permanent lips pigment takes place.

First is asking the physician for antiviral prescriptions. If ever you have some sores, having antiviral prescriptions can be very useful. Physicians may probably advice that prescriptions will start three days before applying the pigment.

Second is consulting specialist first if ever you have some previous experiences on lip surgeries. Mostly, their advice is for you to wait for a given time period before applying the procedure. Most specialists prefer on giving you a 3 week span of time after restylane or collagen injection. Most skilled artists may easily notice whenever you have a poor lips color after collagen injection within 6 months. So one important recommendation is avoid the application of a series of injections in one year. Incisions during surgeries must be left for maturity within 6 months before applying tattoos.

Third is when you have an oral prosthesis denture, braces, or partials, or may have some piercing in the tongue, this will more likely increase the risk of getting fungal or bacterial infections from the mouth. And also, having a frequent sinus can also increase the risk of infections to the lips. Those who have dentures will more likely to have a higher candida or yeast count.

A recent therapy for an antibiotic is responsible for possibly having a higher amount of candida count. Most steroid medications and anti acid drugs will allow candida to overpopulate. The smokers may be considered as one with higher count amounts.

The balance of bacteria and yeast inside the mouth may not be working well and it there is a possibility that the saliva from the mouth will get inside the holes which are made by the tattooing procedure. And this is the reason in which the lips can be infected easily. It also possible to get a candida infection when fungus and bacteria are both involved.

About Permanent Lip Color

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