Health For You Forever : Simple Strategies For Applying Your Sunless Tanning Lotion


Simple Strategies For Applying Your Sunless Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

The ideal tanning product for you would highly depend on your skin tone and preferences. The good thing is that the correct formula of applying all tanners is the same. The most crucial thing is to ensure that your skin is spotlessly clean. Take a bath using warm water and soap. The use of cleansers and body scrubs is also recommended to ensure that your skin is free from dead cells and rough marks. If you grow hair on your legs, be sure to shave before using your sunless tanning lotion.

When choosing soap, cleansers or body scrub, there is a need for you to ensure that you find products that are free from salt or sugar. Such components are not bad only that they tend to contain oils that may hinder even tanning of your skin. Remember that it will be essential for your poles to be open in order for your skin to effectively and evenly absorb the tanner.

A moisturizer should then be applied on the clean dry skin. Ascertain that you use a quality moisturizer in order to avoid demarcations caused by dryness. Areas such as the knees and ankles should be applied double coats of moisturizer because they tend to be tougher and dry quickly.

Whenever you are applying a tanner, you must always wear gloves. This is one way of ensuring that your palms are protected from staining. Choose gloves that are powder free in order to avoid contaminating your tanner with components that may hinder perfect tanning of the skin.

Your product should be applied from the bottom up. Begin by spreading the lotion on your legs and finish with your arms. The best way to go about this is to use smooth circular motions. This would assist in spreading the product evenly throughout your skin. Avoid smearing too much tanner on one area in order to avoid patches that are more tanned than the rest of the body.

Most people will be very careful when dealing with the face. This delicate area would need a lot of attention because of the many features such as the eyes, the nose and the mouth. Instead of using dots, spread your product just like you would when applying a moisturizer. Areas around the jawline, temples and hairline should be feathered to ascertain that you do not end up looking like you are wearing a mask.

The formulation of different tanners is different, especially when considering the time it takes for a tanner to react fully. There are products that dry out and give a good tan within a few minutes. On the other hand, there are those that would need a little more patience. Take the time to read the instructions on your product in order to get the needful information.

Finally, before you get too excited of your new sun kissed look, there are a few well kept secrets on how to maintain that perfect tan. Ensure that you do not take a shower until at least 8 hours lapse since your application. You must also avoid sweaty activities such as gym workouts for at least 12 hours.

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