Health For You Forever : How Sunless Tanning Lotion Can Help Prevent Serious Skin Disease


How Sunless Tanning Lotion Can Help Prevent Serious Skin Disease

By Haywood Hunter

It has always been fashionable to be tanned. Many people spend hours in the sun in pursuit of that lovely brown look. In the process they expose themselves to the possibility of serious health problems. Skin cancer is just one of the main risks. The sun can also cause premature ageing. If the goal of having a tanned skin simply cannot be negotiable it may be better to think about using sunless tanning lotion.

There is certainly no shortage in products that promise or even guarantee a beautiful tan almost instantly. However, consumers should remember that products are developed for very specific skin types. To choose the best product it would be wise to do some online research first. There are many excellent websites dedicated to instant tan products. Most of them offer sound and sensible advice.

It is great to be able to access feedback from other consumers but such feedback should always be treated with at least a small dose of doubt. Excessively positive or negative feedback is always suspect. The best sources of advice and information will always be balanced, presenting both the good and the bad. It must also be kept in mind that a product that caused a very poor result for one person may actually be perfect for another.

The best course of action may be to seek advice from an expert. Many beauty specialists are trained in this subject and they can test the skin type of their clients before recommending a specific product. Dermatologists can also be a great help in choosing the product that will work best. Some high end magazines focusing on fashion and beauty may also be a rich source of valuable information.

It is not a good idea to use products that are offered at bargain basement prices. When using inferior products the results may be disastrous. Not only can the product cause damage to the skin but it can also cause severe discoloring. Getting rid of unwanted results can be both expensive and painful. If the better and reputable products cannot be afforded it is better to rather forego the desire to sport a tan.

It is also important to beware of products that contain allergens. Products that do not list the ingredients should be avoided at all times. Once again, the advice from a qualified beautician or a dermatologist can be invaluable. Even the very best products should always be tested on a small portion of skin. If it causes any irritation the product should be avoided.

It is an unfortunate fact that numerous beauty products are still tested on animals. Responsible consumers will avoid using such products. Manufacturers should clearly state their policies regarding the testing of their products. Care should also be taken when disposing of empty containers or unused products. They can cause harm to the environment. The responsible route is to rinse empty containers before discarding them.

There can be no doubt that regular or prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can be harmful. The sun can be directly responsible for causing a variety of skin conditions, including cancer. The skin is also more likely to age early, even if sun block is used. The more responsible option is to use reputable products that can produce a realistic tan.

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