Health For You Forever : How To Apply Sunless Tanning Lotion


How To Apply Sunless Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

The current market is overflowing with many tanning options to choose from. The choice however can be hard to make if one lacks proper information about tanners. One must have information about ingredients in products, skin types, and application procedures to make right choices. This writing contains information one can apply to select the right sunless tanning lotion.

Knowing the skin type should be the first thing to do. Human skins can be placed into three major categories, though each type may have sub-divisions. The three types are dark, fair, and medium or olive. Since fair skins burn when subjected to solar radiation, people with type of skin should not use sun beds and the sun. Medium-skinned however can use radiation because their skin tans. Dark skin type however cannot burn, but also it does not tan.

Tanning lotions fall under five main categories, that is, bronzers, moisturizers, facial tanners, accelerators, and tingle. Each of these products works differently and gives different results within different time frames. Although similar results may be achieved at the end of the day, the process of achieving the results differs a lot. Different products have different ingredients at different concentrations and the choice should be determined by the skin type.

The level of concentration of lotions is measured in terms of the quantity of DHA and erythulose it has. DHA and erythulose sugars are the substances that cause tanning in skin and most tanning lotion incorporate them in their formulas. These sugars tan skin by undergoing a reaction with amino acid contained in dead epidermal cells. If one has fair skin, it would be better to use low DHA and erythulose content products to avoid burning.

Skin is kept moist and soft by moisturizers in a lotion. Moisturizers should be considered because the moisture helps the skin to tan faster than when the body is dry. Bronzers are also important and they are of two types. The two types are gradual and immediate. Immediate bronzers cause a darkening effect on skin immediately they are applied whereas gradual bronzers need time to build up the tan. The choice between immediate and gradual bronzers should depend on how urgently the tan is required.

Many people fear the tingle, but its results are very elegant if it is applied properly. First, it makes the body to feel irritated and then change color to red. The irritation can cause a lot of discomfort, but when it finally wears off, a beautiful tan is built. Tingle is recommendable for first timers. It helps in building the initial tan that one can maintain by frequently applying other tanners.

Beginners should also consider accelerators. Maximizers and accelerators that are made from aloe formulas help in improving ability of skin to heal and also decrease the rate of aging in skin. Tan formation is also boosted. All products have the ingredients they are made of written on the container.

The effect caused by tanners fades away with time because dead epidermal cells slough off daily. The effect of tans only happens in the outermost skin layer and is lost when cells that form the layer slough off. To keep the tan fresh, one has to reapply the lotion frequently.

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