Health For You Forever : How To Choose The Best Sunless Tanner


How To Choose The Best Sunless Tanner

By Haywood Hunter

Long gone are the days when sun bathers lined up beaches on lakes, rivers, and oceans with their bodies coated in cooking grease or baby oil. These days we realize how dangerous this practice was, as we see our mothers and fathers fighting skin cancer and age spots, not to mention the generally aged look to their skin. Learning from their example, young people do the research in order to choose the best sunless tanner for them.

Skin tone certainly dictates to a great extent what choices one might make. When one already has a darker tone, they are more likely to go for creams, gels, and lotions rather than a tanning bed. For them, it is all about protecting and moisturizing, as well as keeping their skin tone even, rather than obtaining a particular color or complexion which they may already possess.

These products also keep skin hydrated and moisturized, which is an important element to consider when one spends a great deal of time outside. Not only the sun leaches moisture, but the wind can dry one out as well, leaving cheeks and lips chapped and uncomfortable. Utilizing a UV-rated lip balm is just as necessary as finding the right lotion.

In addition to creams and gels, there are also spray-on solutions which are very popular with many women due to the even coverage provided by the sprayer. The downside of all these products, however, appears to be the resulting color coming out an orange or burnt umber rather than looking like a natural tan. It helps when one thoroughly exfoliates their skin prior to applying the tanning solution, as this allows the skin to absorb the product evenly.

Indoor tanning has become even more popular than gels, lotions, oils, or solutions. In fact, it is even more popular than laying out in the sun, as there seems to be a perspective that this form of tanning is less dangerous. This is not entirely true, however, and women need to know this.

Tanning beds do allow one to better control the length of time and concentration of exposure, so in that sense it can be more safe. That is, if they are not impulsive and seeking instant results by allowing themselves more than a 15-minute increment under the lights. Tanning beds now come with set limits, but some older tanning beds will still allow you to fall asleep for an unlimited span of time, and this can kill you.

Many tanning beds come with a bell or alarm that is designed to wake the person inside at the designated time. In a tanning bed, fifteen minutes is like forty-five minutes in the sun. Most beds will only work in increments of 15 minutes, and most businesses which have a tanning bed available keep close eye on how long their patrons have been inside it.

With coconut oil being all the rage these days, it is important to point out that there is coconut oil tanning products on the market. This allows for the deep hydration provided by coconut oil along with the skin-protecting benefits of a bronzer. So long as one is not allergic to coconut, this is a highly recommended product.

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