Health For You Forever : How To Tell If You Are About To Get The Best Sunless Tanning Lotion


How To Tell If You Are About To Get The Best Sunless Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Getting a sun-kissed glow artificially is a smart move being taken by so many tan fanatics all over the planet. The application of sunless tanning lotion, for instance, offers so many benefits that are hard to overlook. Without unnecessary exposure to UV radiation, skin cancer and premature aging signs can be easier to avoid. Continue reading to know the characteristics of the best indoor tanner. When you are aware of these things, you are likelier to end up purchasing and applying the perfect product.

The product contains dihydroxyacetone (DHA) in order to darken your complexion artificially. Even though the name sounds like it is a harsh substance, the truth is DHA is so mild. That's because it actually comes from sugarcane. Being 100% natural means that it goes well with the skin's composition, sparing you from unfavorable side effects like itchiness and rashes.

The product comes with a pleasing smell. It's important for the self tanner to be added with fragrance in order to mask the odor DHA tends to emit while it is doing its job. Certainly, it can be embarrassing for you to be inside the bus or elevator with other people while your skin smells kind of fishy. The perfect product to get is the one that masks DHA's smell effectively.

Bronzer is one of the entries in the list of ingredients. It takes DHA at least two hours before it creates an initial change in your skin color. If bronzer is added into the lotion, you don't have to wait for some time before you start looking like you have been to the beach. After 6 to 8 hours, you may wash off the bronzer in the shower to see the tan DHA has created.

There are antioxidants present. Free radicals can be stopped from damaging your cells by the likes of vitamins C and E. With added antioxidants, unwanted premature aging signs such as fine lines and wrinkles can be kept at bay. The fact that tanning without the sun spares your skin from being touched by UV rays also allows you to keep your youthful appeal intact.

Having the product applied evenly is trouble-free. There are two things that help simplify getting a tan in the comfort of your own home. First, the added bronzer serves as a visual guide that keeps you from ending up with unsightly streaks of color. Second, the rich consistency allows for easy application all over just like that hand and body moisturizer you use daily.

The product is available in varying tan shades. It is a good idea for a fake tan fanatic like you to opt for a tanner that creates a color that is not too far away from your own complexion. Ending up with a very realistic outcome is trouble-free if you can buy the tanner in formulations such as dark, medium or light.

In order to be seen with a realistic fake tan, use a tanner that can impress. Get the recommendations of family and friends before you shop. You may also first go online to read several unbiased product assessments.

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