Health For You Forever : The Health Benefits Of Protein Water


The Health Benefits Of Protein Water

By Iva Cannon

Drinking water is a very healthy practice. In fact, the right amount of water to drink per day for an adult is 8 glasses. This ensures that the body remains hydrated and all other body organs function optimally. However, to provide even healthier alternatives, nutritionists and manufacturers have developed protein water using whey protein for drinking. The quantity used can vary from 5 grams to 30 grams.

Commonly known as protein shakes, this drink comes in a variety of flavors; the most common being chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla. While it is the easiest option to just go for the shakes direct from the stores, one can also choose to make the drink from the whey powder bought from the stores. Regardless of the alternative you use, the benefits of the whey shakes are immense.

There is no better method of weight control than using the whey shakes. By drinking them, you ingest the much-needed protein. In the process, you don, t ingest calories and fats as in other foods like meat. The amount of carbohydrate present is very low, as it is only used for flavoring. The people practicing diet find it very effective. In the same way, the shake works best for the body builders interested in lean muscles and the vegetarians.

Addition to reducing in calorie intake, it is also said to play an important role in satiety (the feeling of being full). With the ingestion of whey and other similar products, you tend to feel full much faster and retain this feeling for much longer. As a result, your food consumption per day tends to reduce.

The shake also offers a very effective way to deal with the hunger pangs and is thus a very good solution to help avoid snacks. Studies have proved that a meal full of proteins helps one feel full faster and thus helps one eat less by the end of the day. The satiety or feeling fullness helps with appetite control which in turn help minimize unhealthy snacking. By being able to prevent overheating, it is easier to control weight, and thus reduce chances of obesity or overweight and the resulting ailments.

The whey rich shakes come with an important benefit known as increased brain cognition. The high content proteins are important in maintaining healthy brain function and better mental performance in general. It increases the level of acid tyrosine, which in turn helps one become more alert and generally energetic.

The nutritionists usually recommend that 25% of the total energy requirement should come from the protein products. In addition to several advantages, they tend to digest at a slower rate and produces energy continuously. With slow conversion rate, it can last you for much longer time.

It is important that you get 25% of your total energy from the protein content. This is for the reason that they tend to be digested slowly and are thus converted to energy much slower. This means that you can get your energy on a continuous basis for longer periods.

After a serious workout session, it helps in repairing damaged and worn out tissues and replace cells. This ensures that you build lean muscles, and maintain a youthful and healthy look for a longer period. The shakes are widely and cheaply available.

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