Health For You Forever : Learn How To Treat Lyme Disease For A Full Recovery


Learn How To Treat Lyme Disease For A Full Recovery

By Toni Vang

Those who spend time in the woodland areas of Europe and North America may be at risk for contacting deer ticks, which are known to harbor the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria responsible for causing Lyme disease. Fortunately, there are several measures one can take to avoid tick bites, but if they do contract the illness, it is important to understand how to treat Lyme disease by seeking prompt medical attention.

The symptoms vary from person to person, and sometimes they don't appear until as long as one month after the tick bite occurred. Common symptoms include fever and chills, headache, sore joints and muscles, and fatigue, as well as a bull's-eye pattern at the bite site. Some patients will also have a body rash. While rare, serious complications include miscarriage in pregnant women, liver or eye inflammation, Bell's palsy, irregular heartbeat, weakness or immobility of limbs, and meningitis.

Not every tick bite will result in the development of this illness, however if someone believes they have been bitten, it's a good idea to visit the doctor right away for evaluation. Undetected, this disease can lead to long-term nervous system damage and arthritis. Early treatment is the key to a successful recovery.

Because the symptoms seen with this sickness could also be caused by any one of several other disorders, they alone are not used for diagnosis. In the absence of the hallmark rash, the physician will likely ask the patient a number of questions, and request diagnostic lab tests to evaluate the blood for antibodies against this bacteria. The ELISA-enzyme-linked immunosorbet assay, and Western blot tests are typically implemented.

If Lyme disease is positively identified, antibiotic therapy will be administered to the patient. The sooner treatment is started, the better the prognosis for overcoming the illness. Usually amoxicillin or doxycycline will be prescribed, to be taken orally for two weeks to four weeks. Antibiotics taken for longer than this could actually do more harm than good.

Intravenous antibiotics will likely be given for one or two weeks, to patients with involvement of the heart or nervous system. Instead of doxycycline which can discolor developing teeth, penicillin or amoxicillin will be prescribed if the patient is a child under the age of 9, or a breastfeeding mother. In the case of allergies to penicillin-based drugs, erythromycin is a suitable alternative.

Prevention of Lyme disease is the best cure. When one will be outdoors in areas that are grassy or wooded, it's a good idea to wear light-colored, snug clothing which covers the arms and legs, tuck shirts into pants and pant-legs into socks or boots, stay on the central trails and avoid overgrown areas, wear repellents containing DEET or the tick repellent Permethrin, and spray it on clothing before venturing out. After returning home, checking oneself and their family members for signs of ticks is important, if they are removed early, infection may not occur.

Most patients can look forward to a complete recovery provided they receive early treatment. Antibodies can remain the bloodstream for as long as several years, but this does not mean that another infection cannot occur. Taking care to prevent exposure to the illness is always the best approach to take when going into the wilderness.

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