Health For You Forever : Important Things To Do Before And After Applying The Sun Tan Lotion


Important Things To Do Before And After Applying The Sun Tan Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Purchasing a top-notch sunless tanner and applying it carefully allows you to be spotted with the perfect tan. However, there are also certain things that you have to do just before you use the Sun tan lotion and after the desired golden-brown color is attained. Continue to read to know a few pre and post-tanning tips so that you may end up with a gorgeous skin tone.

Prior to reaching for that tanner's bottle, stepping foot in the shower is a must. The main ingredient known as DHA may be kept from doing its job by those dirt and grime present on your skin. Without anything that can hinder its action, DHA is able to work completely well.

Exfoliating while in the shower is important too. Doing this removes excess dead cells sitting on the topmost part of your skin. If you fail to exfoliate just before you proceed with indoor tanning, you are likely to end up with a blotchy outcome. Aside from a loofah, you may use the exfoliating body gel also being offered by the tanner's manufacturer.

Another step you need to take prior to your indoor tanning is shaving. Do this after you shower so that you can achieve a really close shave. By removing unwanted hair on the face and the rest of the body, having a mottled effect can be dodged easily. If waxing is your method of preference, do it a day in advance so that your skin may recover from going through it.

Applying your everyday hand and body moisturizer on very dry skin is important. These areas of your body tend to soak up more DHA than usual. Due to this, they commonly end up darker than the rest of your body parts after several hours had passed. Prior to rubbing on the sunless tanner all over, apply moisturizer on your knees, elbows and similar body parts.

Make sure that the tanner remains on your skin for the next 6-8 hours. It's important for you to give DHA plenty of time to carry out its role. This only means that you should avoid taking a shower as well as doing all sorts of physical activities that leave you sweaty. Worry not about the fishy odor that DHA tends to emit because the manufacturer has included enough fragrance.

Moisturizing the skin regularly is another step that you should do after the desired color is achieved. It helps delay the natural process of exfoliation, letting the golden-brown hue stay longer. For this job, you may simply apply the hand and body moisturizer you use everyday. You may also choose to grab a bottle of the tan extender being offered by Sun Laboratories.

Exfoliate once more while you are in the shower when you see that the color is beginning to lighten. There's a possibility for the fake tan to end up blotchy because skin cells all over your body are replaced at varying rates. By keeping too much dead skin cells at bay, no one has to know that the lovely complexion you have is actually fake.

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